An exclusive, high- touch, 9-month mentorship that combines online business coaching and done-with-you tech solutions to help brick-and-mortar health and wellness business owners launch their digital products and services.


Applications are currently closed.

Get on the waitlist to stay up-to-date and know when applications will open in Fall 2024.


Why we created The LextroMind

After working with so many of the same clients we realized that teaming up would absolutely be the most beneficial for all parties.

You want to know how to sell your stuff (and actually have people buy it), and we’ve got the solutions.

All of them. No, but really.

We also did some research and can say with full certainty that there isn’t anything else like this out there; marketing and strategy meets tech and implementation — at least not anything that was up to our standards.

So we did some brainstorming, did some organizing, and the LextroMind was born. 

Our Promise:

At the end of our 9 months together you will have successfully run your first launch and integrated all of the tech and systems needed to run any future launches. We are certain that once you learn these methods and have your systems in place, it’ll be as simple as rinse and repeat.

How The LextroMind Works

The 30,000 foot view of The LextroMind is that you will have access to Maestro to learn what you need to do in order to launch your online offerings, and you’ll have access to Lex to learn the tech component of how to do it AND to make sure it actually gets done…the right way.


What’s Actually Included

9 months of personalized, 1-on-1 support from both Lex and Shanté

We are intentionally and strategically keeping The LextroMind small so that we can offer you the bespoke (oh, das a fancy word) support that will allow your unique online business to succeed.

We get it, no two online businesses are alike, and a strategy that worked for someone else may have zero benefit for you given your specific circumstances. Additionally, the number one complaint we hear about typical masterminds in the online space is that members often get lost in the sauce and feel like just another number, often having to re-explain their business on every coaching call because of the volume of members and rotating of coaches. In The LextroMind you will be coached directly by us. Not by co-coaches, members of our team, or community moderators. Us.

Two 1-hour strategy calls per month, one with Shanté for all business coaching needs and one with Lex for all things tech
The transformation requires implementation. You will have a total of 18, yes, 18 1:1 strategy calls with Lex and Shanté over the course of 9 months. While many coaches in the space don’t like to offer 1:1 calls, we both regard them as primary needle movers and hands-down the best way to make sure that our clients understand exactly what they need to do, stay on task, and actually get shit done. Your calls with Shanté will primarily to outline and implement the specific strategies required for launching (messaging, marketing, copy-writing, launch planning, etc) while your calls with Lex will be used to execute any and all necessary tech tasks (page building, setting up automations and sequences, integrating platforms, etc). These calls will provide clarity, accountability, and ensure that you gain the proficiency to be able to run your own launches and seamlessly utilize your tech in the future.

Monthly live group coaching calls
In addition to the monthly 1:1 calls, we will be meeting each month as a group (9 total calls) to cover a ‘master topic’ that will be led by either Lex or Shanté.

Master topics are presented in The LextroMind Curriculum section below. The primary purpose of these calls is to provide the foundational understanding of these master topics so that 1:1 calls can be used to discuss how to apply to the concepts to each client’s specific business. Additionally, group calls will be used for masterminding where members can learn from each other and hear what is working for other folks in the space.

Unlimited Voxer support
(All Voxers will be answered within 36 hours, M-F)
Suppose you have a question between coaching calls? We gotchu. All members will have access to both Lex and Shanté via Voxer (voice and text messaging platform) to ask any and all questions that come up. Whether it’s a tech question or a question about what to write on your sales page, we’ll be available to support you in the moment and keep you moving forward. 


One In-Person Live Event (YUP.)
NOTHING beats the magic of being in the room. The LextroMind will include a two-day in-person live event in Los Angeles, CA dedicated to masterminding, strategizing, implementing, and straight up just getting to know each other.

Having a live event was a non-negotiable for us and we can’t wait for you to experience the power of being in-person with other folks who are putting themselves out there and doing the thing.


The LextroMind Curriculum

While we’d love to simply teach you everything we know, we’ve only got 9 months together and want to make sure that we use that time in the most effective way possible. In case you didn’t know (which you might not) planning and executing a successful launch takes months of preparation, and we’ve designed this curriculum with that in mind.

Content that Will be Covered During The LextroMind

  • Organic traffic strategy - Up-level your approach to in-bound marketing and learn how to create content that attracts and nurtures your ideal client.
  • Branding and Messaging - Develop an unmistakable presence in the online space that stands out, conveys what you stand for, and attracts customers you’re excited to work with.
  • Offer Creation - Learn how to structure AND build out your online offer, be it high ticket coaching, a group program, an online course, an online library, a membership, etc, AND learn how all of your offers should fit together to best serve both you and your customers.
  • Pre-launch strategy - Master the anticipation phase and learn how to corral attention, aka the special sauce for increasing predictability in the online space.
  • Launch strategy - Learn exactly how to launch! Launching is NOT a guessing game and you should never wonder if anyone is going to actually buy. Topics covered: Waitlist launching, Hardstyle launching, Pocket launching, Flash Launching
  • Copywriting - Learn how to express your message in your voice in a way that will attract your people.
  • Email Marketing - Arguably the most important part of your business when it comes to sustainable selling. Topics covered: Content, opt-ins, lead magnets, sequences, automations, brand consistency (and yes, we’ll hold you accountable so you actually send out emails!)
  • Sales Page and Landing Page Creation - Honestly, these are the least important that they’ve ever been, but they also give business owners the most stress. Learn the key components of a page that converts, the tech necessary to build each, and create plug-and-play templates that you can use for the rest of forever.
  • Software 101 - Learn what software to use for what purpose, how to use that software, AND how to integrate between software platforms. The platforms: email marketing, payment processors, online scheduling, course creation/hosting, membership, webinar, video hosting
  • Websites - Learn the do’s and dont’s, website structure, ideal photos for your website, and website design and navigation optimization.

...Yes, you will have access to these trainings forever.



But What About the Price?!

The investment for 9 months of an unparalleled coaching experience:
$10,000 USD

Transparency first, last, and always.

Is that a big number? Yes.

We don’t want to speak for you, so perhaps it’s not a big number to you, but our guess is that you don’t think it’s a small number, and we’re ok with that.

We’ve set the price based on what will allow us to show up and provide the support that you deserve and ensure that you get the outcome you desire.

We’ll teach you the strategies, we’ll implement the systems, we’ll help you integrate the tech, we’ll hold you accountable so you actually get shit done, and we’ll guarantee that your launch will not flop.

Additionally, both the systems that you develop during the Lextromind and the tech solutions that you implement will be rinse-and-repeat for any and all future launches and online products.

Work with us once, set yourself up for forever. 


Here’s a little price anchoring for you (we’ll go over this concept during the LextroMind): 

 Industry standard to have someone build a sales page for a launch: $5000.

Industry standard to have someone build an online course for you: $10,000 

Industry standard to have someone run a launch for you: $20,000…minimum.  

Both Lex and I think that these prices are insane (hence why we charge what we charge), but you get where we’re going with this.

We set the price, YOU determine the value.

For those wondering, yes, you will be able to finance your investment and pay monthly. We will be offering both a paid-in-full option and a 9-month payment plan option. The 9-month payment plan option will have a 3% markup to cover additional fees and administrative costs.

Of note, if the price is lower than you thought it would be, you’re welcome.


There’s a good chance that you already know who we are, but in case you don’t here ya go:

Meet Lex Lancaster

I'm the founder and CEO of Lex Lancaster Creative Co. and I provide executive and creative solutions for health and wellness entrepreneurs. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy with a passion for technology and systems, I absolutely love providing tailored and innovative strategies to help health and wellness businesses thrive through personalized, done-for-you tech solutions.

I've helped countless entrepreneurs free up their valuable time and streamline and grow their businesses by helping them build smart systems, run successful launches, and create websites of their dreams.


Meet The Movement Maestro

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy by trade, but a little thing called Instagram allowed me to quit a job I hated, move to SoCal, buy a Hypergreen Jeep (Peggy), and build the life of my dreams. Online business changed my life, and I’d love to help it do the same for you.

My online business, The Movement Maestro LLC, has allowed me to travel the world, run a podcast that has been downloaded over 1 million times to date, and for those of you all about the numbers, run multiple 5-figure launches.

While I’m typically associated with Instagram, my expertise lies in helping health and fitness pros build profitable online personal brands. My business coaching focuses on content creation, organic growth, and brand strategy, with an overall approach based in transparency, integrity, and sustainability. In my 9+ years in the online space I’ve helped thousands of individuals establish their online presence, grow their online businesses, and do so in a way that works for them.

I’ve got a penchant for marketing and messaging, I believe there is a better way to do online business, and I can say with full certainty that MOAR you is better.


What It’s Like to Work With Us

This is our first round so we don’t have any LextroMind testimonials (yet). We do however have plenty of feedback from other folks who have worked with us independently in the past.

Scroll through to check out what the people are saying:


Who Is The LextroMind for?


The LextroMind is for established brick-and-mortar health and wellness business owners who want to launch their first digital offer and want to personally learn the systems and strategies required to do so.

The criteria that we’re looking for as a baseline for consideration into the program includes:

  • Has been using social media and creating content consistently for at least 1-2 years with an established audience
  • Is willing to use the software that we recommend  
  • Has an understanding of who their ideal client is in the online space
  • Has the time available to dedicate to learning the systems and software taught during the Lextromind (we’re not a VA service that just does everything for you)
  • Has worked through beginner mindset issues (comparisonitis, imposter syndrome, urgency) and understands that success in the online space takes time and consistency

You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers

Listen, your results are our reputation, and that in mind, we care a shit ton about both.

We created the LextroMind not just to fill a gap in the space, but because we have truly built the lives of our dreams and we want to help other folks do the same.

Yes, it will be a significant financial investment, yes it will be a significant time commitment, and yes, you will have to work your ass off, but we promise that you will get out every single bit that you put in.

If you’ve read this long-ass sales page and you’re a hell yeah, we want to personally invite you to apply for the LextroMind. If we believe we can help you we will reach out with next steps, if not, we’ll reach out with suggestions on what we think would be a better option for you.

Either way, we’re in your corner and we’re rooting for your success.

Cheers to leveling up.

You ready to make moves?

Applications are currently closed and will open in Fall 2024.

We will only have 8-10 seats available. Get on the waitlist to be the first to know when applications open.

Applications close on Friday, October 20th at 11:59PM PT









Got MOAR questions? Email [email protected] and we'll get back to you ASAP.